Connecticut Public Schools Rank Third in the Nation

Education Week recently announced that Connecticut’s K-12 public schools rank 3rd in the nation. The report analyzes educational performance student data across all 50 states for the 2021 calendar year. States are graded and ranked by 3 categories: Chance for Success (Jan), School Finance (June), K-12 Achievement (September). According to the data collected by EducationWeek, the U.S. education system as a whole scored a grade of C for 20210. Click here to read the national report.

Connecticut ranks 3rd in the U.S., with a grade of B and an overall score of 83.8 out of 100 points. In the Chance For Success category, Connecticut earned a B+ while the nation earned a C+. In School Finances, Connecticut earned a B+ while the nation received a C. In the K-12 Achievement category, Connecticut earned a C while the nation also earned a C. The two other top states are Massachusetts and New Jersey.

To review the entire Connecticut report, click here.