Planning For Transitioning Into Adulthood – Autism Spectrum News

Planning For Transitioning Into Adulthood – Autism Spectrum News. With adulthood approaching for many families with special needs, we must keep in mind that we must plan ahead in order to ensure that our loved ones are learning the skills necessary to promote independence in their home, school, and community setting. Planning for transitioning into adulthood is not an easy task and one that needs to begin as early as 15 for students with special needs.

We at the Forte Law Group encourage all our families to get connected early on with resources and experts in the community that will provide guidance around transition planning. We recommend that you read an article regarding transitioning into adulthood by Dr. Solandy Forte and Aimee Haray from Milestones Behavioral Services in Milford and Orange, Connecticut. For further information about how your educational team can proactively start planning for your child’s transition contact the Forte Law Group at (203) 257-7999 or visit our website at